The Panorama Gold Project encompasses Exploration Licence E45/4732, Exploration Licence E45/4779 and Exploration Licence E45/4764 are held by Macarthur Lithium Pty Ltd (MLi), a wholly owned subsidiary of Macarthur Minerals Ltd
The Panorama Gold Project is located 265km south-south-east of Karratha in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. The project is prospective for lithium and gold hosted within conglomerate. The tenement group contains an extensive area of the Mt Roe Basalt which is the geological member of the Fortescue Group that overlies the conglomerate gold horizon at Artemis Resources’ Purdy’s Reward Project near Karratha, Western Australia.
Conglomerates found at the base of the Mt Roe Basalt, known for conglomerate gold found elsewhere in the Pilbara, in the Panorama tenement group.